Study in Canada

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    Study In Canada

    Canada has consistently maintained its prestige as an attractive education hub due to a variety of factors including its global recognition and reputation, affordability, cultural exposure and abundant research opportunities.

    Canada has established itself as an immensely high benchmark for academic standards and has rigorous processes to uphold quality that ultimately are designed to broaden opportunities for the longer term.

    For a country that measures high amongst the OECD countries in terms of its overall quality of life, its tuition and living costs are surprisingly lower than one may speculate, especially when compared with other supreme education hubs such as the USA and UK.

    Furthermore, a total of 13 Universities from Canada are recognised in the world’s top 200 by QS including 3 that appear in the Top 50. If you are looking to study in Canada, read ahead and find out more or contact Ignited Edu Future, Overseas Consultants.

    Top Universities In Canada

    U15, the Group of 15 Canadian Universities is central to fostering intellectual, social, economic and cultural innovation and advancement of Canada’s international influence and effectiveness. The U15 are absolutely unmatched in their delivery of quality education as is evidenced in their $5.3 Billion research income with 87% private-sector research of Canada carried out by the group.

    Furthermore, the group holds ownership to 81% technology licenses as patents and intellectual property that are key to attracting global investment for business operations internationally. However, Canada like all other supreme education deliverers has a diverse subject pool to choose from and hence a range of other institutions outside of U15 also have specialisations that are highly appealing.

    Some of the top Canada universities include the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McGill, Dalhousie University, The University of British Columbia and the University of Alberta.

    Canadian universities and colleges have a comparative advantage in the following study areas: Aerospace, Animation, Medicine, Engineering (Specialised in Automotive, Civil, Mining and Petroleum), Energy, Telecommunications, Agriculture, IT, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Business as well as Finance and Economics.

    Emerging Sectors In Canada

    Canada’s economy is amongst the wealthiest in the world offering a breadth of opportunities across a diverse portfolio of industries driven by innovation.

    Cross industry partnerships and close-knit relationships with universities have been key to pumping investments into research and development. The result is a substantial balance between high-tech manufacturing sector and knowledge intensive services. Aerospace, automotive, bio-products, biopharmaceuticals, chemicals and plastics, medical devices, renewable energy, software and wireless technologies, banking and insurance, finance and business consulting are some areas in which Canada finds itself expanding its core competencies. Hence, Canada has essentially built a solid economy around high growth sectors that indicate healthy prospects for the future.

    Canada is one of the largest manufacturers in automotives due to its dominant position within NAFTA attracting global players including General Motors, Toyota, Volvo and Ford to set up base manufacturing centres.

    Canadian establishments possess a great deal of expertise in high-tech machinery and equipment that widens their impact across sub-sectors including agriculture, metalwork, natural gas and oil drilling as well as mining, amongst others.

    One of the highest growing industries in Canada is pharmaceuticals with manufacturing centres, R & D facilities and sophisticated distribution networks setup all across the country. Naturally, Canada is a leader in manufacturing advanced medical equipment that spreads its impact on a number of other sectors.

    Advancements in telecommunications, microelectronics, informatics and software as well as biotechnology are incorporated in producing therapeutic and diagnostic instruments including cardiovascular equipment, home healthcare products and dental material as well as implants. Also, given that Canada has a population with high disposable incomes and credit markets that believe in robust consumption, retail and consumer goods are consequently a significant contributor in Canada’s USD$ 1.8 Trillion Gross GDP. Furthermore, sustainable building and construction is increasing momentum along with the promise solar energy has shown with latest developments in furthering the efficiency of solar panels both technically and economically.

    In addition, the impact of institutional banking and business consulting services cannot be underestimated as it is the core function that fuels and supports the economy’s investment needs, attracting global investors to a somewhat more stable and regulated than the usual financial market.

    Skill Shortages

    One of Canada’s biggest challenge is the fear of not being able to align its huge investment opportunities with a support system of skilled workers. Although Canada has a well-equipped education system that is effective in producing and nurturing talent for its economy, shifting demographics and an ageing population is a concern for the longer-term sustainability of Canada’s economy.

    Hence, there are an array of opportunities that are open to the international labour market offering possibilities of healthy job security and immigration.

    Construction as well as mining and petroleum sectors are some of the industries that will face severe skill shortages over the next decade and are hence demanding engineers specialised in mining, petroleum, civil, mechanical, geological, computer and chemical. Furthermore, there is demand for financial and investment analysts, geoscientists and oceanographers, medical laboratory and radiation technologists, physiotherapists, apart from electrophysiological diagnostic technologists.

    Average Incomes

    Source: BMO Financial Group

    If you moved to Canada from another western economy a few years ago, you would most likely have found Canadian wages a bit lower than you expected.

    The average salary in Canadian dollars has risen by around 18 percent since 2007.

    This rise, in combination with the strengthening Canadian dollar, has pushed the average salary in Canada higher than in the UK, the USA and most of Europe.

    The average wage for Canadian employees was $943 a week – or just over $49,000 a year. This marks a 2% increase over the same period a year earlier.

    Education Cost For Studying In Canada

    Knowing about education costs in Canada is important, if you are considering Canada as your study abroad destination. Cost of higher education in Canada is quite affordable as compared to the cost of studying in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US. Let’s find out.

    Tuition Fee (CAD$):

    Undergraduate Bachelor degree–$15,000

    Postgraduate Masters Degree – $10,000 to $16,000

    Accommodation (CAD$): $3000 – $7500

    Minimum Cost of Living (CAD$):

    Average Total – $30,000 per annum

    Scholarships To Study In Canada

    Major Intakes : September

    Minor Intakes : July

    Students considering Canada are recommended to begin the application procedure 8-12 months prior to the intake. Scholarship deadlines vary amongst institutions. In order to capitalise on the available Canada scholarships, we advise you to walk into ‘Ignited Edu Future Offices as early as possible. We will provide you complete information on the Canada scholarship process.

    Admission Process For Study In Canada

    To be assured of obtaining the best quality advice about the opportunities available for studying in Canada, students should register with Ignited Edu Future. After registration all students will be carefully guided through a number of key stages, maximising their chances of getting admission in the institutions of their choice. This is how we, at Ignited Edu Future, work on the Canada admissions process.


    You register with Ignited Edu Future and be assured of obtaining the best quality advice.


    We make an assessment of your academic qualifications, work experience, financial status, career goals as well as life interests and aspirations.

    Standardised Tests

    We evaluate the requirement of any standardized tests you may need to take or review results that has been already obtained.

    University/Course Selection

    Together, we shortlist potential universities and courses that match your profile.

    Document Editing

    We edit the essays, Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation and Resume, which have been written by you.

    Application Review and Submission

    The completed application forms are reviewed before they are submitted to your final choice of universities.

    Interview Preparation

    We assist in preparation (including mock sessions) for the interviews that you may have with the chosen universities.

    Visa Counselling

    We assist in preparation (including mock sessions) for the interviews that you may have with the High Commissions or Embassies, as well as the collation and review of relevant documentation for submission of the visa application.

    Pre Departure Information

    Information We deliver comprehensive information about the country of choice to ensure that you are completely prepared for life at an overseas university.

    Exams For Studying In Canada

    Students have to pass one or more additional tests before they can be considered by most universities for admission. These range from the standardised graduate and college admission tests such as GRE, GMAT and SAT to English Language tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS.Students have to pass one or more additional tests before they can be considered by most universities for admission. These range from the standardised graduate and college admission tests such as GRE, GMAT and SAT to English Language tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS.

    Ignited Edu Future offers high quality Test Prep programmes throughout India. Through its high-tech, state of the art teaching centres strategically located throughout the country it offers students preparatory training on the full range of admissions tests that universities need. Contact Ignited Edu future today for detailed information relating to the tests that may be needed for admission in Canada.